I've been allergic to cats my entire life. My allergy is so severe that within 2 minutes inside a cat-owner's house I have to leave. My face swells up, my sinuses run, my eyes get puffy, and my whole face itches. I recently found out that I am not allergic to the hair, but the saliva of cats. Since cats love to lick themselves, their hair causes my mutation into a mess of a man.
Now that I have a new place with the wifey (I'll drop that "y" soon), we have been talking about getting a dog. This idea is super fantastic! We even checked out a shelter before Christmas (she cried the whole time), to find out the process. Unfortunately we said we'd wait until after the holidays because of our travel plans, but now it is a question of money. I imagine that I will have to survive another 4-6 weeks without my future best friend (FBF).
As I gather finances for my FBF, I have been keeping an eye on the local shelters to see who I might choose.
Here are some awesome dogs that could be my FBF!
I've never had a dog not like me. Random dogs will sprint away from their owners in a heartbeat just to say hello, and all of the dogs owned by my friends remember me upon each visit. I get dogs, I understand them, they never bark at me, and soon I will own one.
dogs are awesome because they can do this...